Our Objectives

1. To provide a continuoussupply of Formulary Drugs to all Government Health Care Institutions and the private sector.

2. To rationalise the use of Formulary Drugs and reduce their cost to the public. 

3. To make arrangements for the selection, procurement, distribution and utilisation of Formulary Drugs. 

4. To provide certain categories of persons with drugs free of cost at point of service in both public and private sectors.

5. To improve and strengthen the inventory and general management systems of the Government Pharmacies. 

6. To prepare, maintain and up-date the Barbados National Drug Formulary (BNDF).

7. To monitor and control the importation, exportation and use of the narcotic and psychotropic drugs as set out under the Narcotic and Psychotropic Conventions of 1961 and 1971 respectively.

8. To provide information on drugs and related items to all health care professionals in Barbados and the CARICOM countries.

BDS’ beneficiaries include persons 65 years and over, under 16 years old and those prescribed pharmaceuticals and other related supplies on the BNDF for the treatment for Asthma, Cancer, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Glaucoma and Hypertension. These persons may obtain the medication free of cost at the point of service in the public sector but are required to pay a dispensing fee in the private sector; BDS reimburses the cost of the drug to the private participating pharmacies.  No dispensing fee is charged to patients in the public sector. 

The following table identifies whether a patient pays the dispensing fee or full cost for a prescription or whether the prescription is free at the point of service depending on the category of the patient.


Public Prescriptions (Blue)

Private Prescriptions (Pink)

QEH Prescriptions

(Yellow or green)

With prescriptions for BNDF drugs

Public Pharmacy

Private Pharmacy

Public Pharmacy

Private Pharmacy

Public Pharmacy

Private Pharmacy

65 years and over

No charge

Dispensing Fee

No charge

Dispensing Fee

No charge

Pay full price

Under 16 years of age

No charge

Dispensing Fee

No charge

Dispensing Fee

No charge

Pay full price

Between 16 to 64 years, for treatment of Asthma, Cancer, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Glaucoma and Hypertension

No charge

Dispensing Fee

No charge

Dispensing Fee

No charge

Pay full price

Between 16 and 64 years

For treatment of conditions other than those listed above

No charge

Pay full price

Pay full price

Pay full price

No charge

Pay full price