Barbados Drug Service Pharmacies
The list below shows the numbers and extensions for the various Barbados Drug Service Pharmacies
Branford Taitt Polyclinic Pharmacy | (246) 425-6950 Ext. 5019 |
David Thompson Health & Social Services Pharmacy | (246) 416-7000 Ext. 7015 |
Edgar Cochrane Polyclinic Pharmacy | (246) 427-8161 Ext |
Eunice Gibson Polyclinic Pharmacy | (246) 417-2101 Ext. 2115 |
Geriatric Hospital Pharmacy | (246) 436-6663 Ext. 5221 |
Glebe Polyclinic Pharmacy | (246) 429-1680 Ext. |
Maurice Byer Polyclinic Pharmacy | (246) 422-4081 Ext. 225 |
Randal Phillips Polyclinic Pharmacy | (246) 428-3250 Ext. 2226 |
St. Andrew Out-patient Clinic Pharmacy | (246) 422-9203 |
St. Joseph Out-patient Clinic Pharmacy | (246) 433-1869 |
St. Philip District Hospital Pharmacy | (246) 423-7311 |
St. Philip Polyclinic Pharmacy | (246) 423-6231 Ext. 234 |
St. Thomas Out-patient Clinic Pharmacy | (246) 425-1832 |
Winston Scott Polyclinic Pharmacy | (246) 227-7700 Ext. 7704 |